Page 4, Line 3: “representing people with physical and psychiatric disabilities” ==> “physical and intellectual disabilities”
Page 78, Paragraph 8, Line 3: “was as if the family was living in her head”
Page 106, Paragraph 3, Line 8: “cannot
Page 142, Paragraph 2, Line 2: When Japanese anthropologist Sachiyo Ukigaya visited the inpatient ward in 2006 for her field research on psychiatric nursing care, she made a detailed record of the number of patients, their lengths of stay, and their diagnoses. She noted that around 70 percent of both male and female patients had schizophrenia.” (note: Ukigaya Sachiyo is female).
Page 189, Line 19: “her home in Utsunomiya” ==> “her home in Mito City”
Page 196: Strike “
Page 213: Jamestown ==> Jonestow