Karen Nakamura                                                                        _____


Robert and Colleen Haas Distinguished Chair in Disability Studies                 ORCID: 0000-0003-4335-2818

Professor of Anthropology                                                                  

University of California Berkeley                                                           

232 Kroeber Hall                                                                               nakamura@deaflibrary.org

Berkeley CA 94720-3710 USA                                                              http://www.disabilitystudies.jp   




Monographs and Edited Volumes

      2014               ____________________________ [Crazy in Japan: An Ethnography of Bethel House]. Translation supervision by Koji Ishihara and Tetsuya Kawano. A revised and updated Japanese translation of A Disability of the Soul. Tokyo: Igaku Shoin Publishing.


      2013               A Disability of the Soul: An Ethnography of Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in Contemporary Japan. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

      2006               Deaf in Japan: Signing and the Politics of Identity. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

- Winner of 2008 John Whitney Hall Book Prize from the Association of Asian Studies

  2003               Co-Editor, Many Ways to be Deaf: International Linguistic and Sociocultural Variation. Ed. Leila Monaghan, Constanze Schmaling, Karen Nakamura, and Graham Turner. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.


Ethnographic Films

      2010                A Japanese Funeral. Color NTSC DVD and companion website. 14 minutes.

- 2010 Best Short Film Media Award from the Society for Visual Anthropology
- 2011 David Plath Media Award from the Society for East Asian Anthropology

- 2011 University of British Columbia Ethnographic Film Festival Ð Jury Prize Second Runner Up

      2007                Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan. Color NTSC DVD and online streaming. 41 minutes. Distributed by CreateSpace.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

      2009                Disability, Destitution, and Disaster: Surviving the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake in Japan. Human Organization. Volume 68 Issue 1 (Spring): 73-81.

      2006a              Creating and Contesting Signs in Contemporary Japan: Language Ideologies, Identity and Community in Flux. Sign Language Studies Volume 7 Number 1 (Fall 2006): 11-29.

      2006b              ____________________________________________________________
[Resistance and Assimilation: The Relationship between Japanese Federation and the Deaf and Political Power.  Shakai Kagaku Kenkyž Vol 57 (3-4). Tokyo: Tokyo University Institute for Social Science.]

   2002               Resistance and Co-optation: the Japanese Federation of the Deaf and its Relations with State Power. Social Science Japan Journal. Vol. 5 (1): 17-35.

- Winner of 2003 Tokyo University Institute of Social Science / Oxford Award for Modern Japanese Studies

- Selected as one of the 100 seminal papers from Oxford Journals (Oxford University Press Centennial)



Book Chapters and Other Journal Articles

      2014               No voice in the courtroom?: Deaf legal cases in Japan during the 1960s. In Going to Court to Change Japan: Social Movements and the Law. Ed. Patricia Steinhoff. Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, Number 77. 147-163. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

      2014               Barrier-Free Brothels: Sex Volunteers, Prostitutes and People with Disabilities. In Capturing Contemporary Japan: Differentiation and Uncertainty. Edited by Glenda Roberts, Satsuki Kawano, and Susan Long. 202-220. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

      2013               The dysprosody of images. In Visual Research: A Concise Introduction to Thinking Visually. Edited by Jonathan Marion and Jerome Crowder. New York: Berg.

      2010               The language politics of Japanese Sign Language (Nihon Shuwa). Deaf around the World The Impact of Language. Ed. Gaurav Mathur and Donna Jo Napoli. 316-332. New York: Oxford University Press.

2009               ______________________ 2009(5): 52-60_
[Connecting Disability Studies and Deaf Studies. Journal of Disability Studies (Japan)  2009 (5): 52-60. Tokyo: Japanese Society for Disability Studies]

     2003a              "Deaf Shock," and the Hard-of-Hearing: Japanese Deaf identities at the borderlands. Many Ways to be Deaf: International Linguistic and Sociocultural Variation. Ed. Leila Monaghan, Constanze Schmaling, Karen Nakamura, and Graham Turner. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.

      2003b              Female masculinity and fantasy spaces: transcending genders in the Takarazuka theatre. With Hisako Matsuo (co-author). Men and Masculinities in Contemporary Japan: Dislocating the Salaryman Doxa. Edited by James Roberson and Nobue Suzuki. 59-76. New York: Routledge.

      1999a               ________________________________

                            __________1999.9 (33): 45-54__
[Deaf Movements in the United States and Japan from a Comparative Analytical Perspective. Sign Language Communication Studies August (33): 45-54. Tokyo: Japanese Institute for Sign Language Studies.]

      1999b              ___________________________1998.11.14__
___________________No. 79 _____24-39_

                            [Deaf education in Japan and the U.S.: a comparative approach from a linguistic and sociocultural anthropology perspective (Lecture Transcript of November 14, 1998). Total Communications Research Group Report No. 79. Winter, 1999. Tokyo: Total Communication Research Group.]     

      1998a            ______________________________ _______________________, p______1998.3 (27)_

                             [Ethnically deaf: identity, culture, and the making of sign language communities. Sign Language Communication Studies. April, 1998. Tokyo: Japanese Institute for Sign Language Studies.]

      1998b              Transitioning on Campus: A Case Studies Approach. In Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender College Students: A Handbook for Faculty and Administrators. Ronni L. Sahlo, ed. 179-186. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

      1997               Narrating Ourselves: Duped or duplicitous? In Gender Blending. Bonnie Bullough, Vern Bullough, and James Elias, eds. 74-86. Buffalo: Prometheus Press.



Review Essays

      2013               Making Sense of Sensory Ethnography: The Sensual and the Multisensory. American Anthropologist. Vol. 115, No. 1 (March 2013): 132-135.

      2007               The Chrysanthemum and the Queer: Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives on Sexuality in JapanJournal of Homosexuality. Volume 52, Issue _: 267-281.

Book and Film Reviews

      2015               Review of Japan, Alcoholism, and Masculinity: Suffering Sobriety in Japan, by Paul A. Christensen. Japanese Studies. Vol. 35, Number 2: 260-262.  doi:10.1080/10371397.2015.1080343

      2015               Review of Manga Girl Seeks Herbivore Boy: Studying Japanese Gender at Cambridge, by Brigitte Steger and Angelika Koch, eds. Social Science Japan Journaldoi:10.1093/ssjj/jyv004

      2011               Review of Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia [The Bird Dancer, 40 min.; Family Victim, 38 min.; Shadows and Illuminations, 35 min.], directed by Robert Lemelson (2010).
American Anthropologist, Vol. 113, No. 4, pp. 655Ð656.

      2010               Review of Amy BorovoyÕs The Too-Good Wife: Alcohol, Codependency, and the Politics of Nurturance in Postwar Japan (UC Press 2005). Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Volume 23, No. 2: 184-185.

      2008               Review of Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish [Joze to tora to sakana tachi], directed by Isshin Inudo (2003). Asian Educational Media Services News and Reviews. Issue 31 (Winter): 3-4.

      2006a              Two New Ogawa Shinsuke Films (review).
Visual Anthropology. Volume 19, No. 3-4: 391-392.

      2006b              Review of Jennifer Robertson, ed. A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan.
Pacific Affairs.
Volume 79, No. 1 (Spring): 129-130.

      2006c              Review of Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe, and Misa Matsuda, eds. Personal, Portable, Pedestrian: Mobile Phones in Japanese Life. Journal of Japanese Studies. Vol. 32 No. 2 (Summer): 459-462.

      2004a              Review of Keiko Hirata's Civil Society in Japan.
Social Science Japan Journal.
Vol. 7, No. 2 (October): 318-320. 

      2004b              Review of Megan JennawayÕs Sisters and Lovers: Women and Desire in Bali.
American Ethnologist.
Vol. 31, No. 1 (February).

      2004c              Review of Jennifer RobertsonÕs Takarazuka: Sexual Politics and Popular Culture in Modern Japan. Visual Anthropology 17: 205-207.

      1998               Review of Jennifer Terry and Jacqueline UrlaÕs Deviant Bodies: Critical Perspectives on Difference in Science and Popular Culture. SOLGAN Vol. 20, No. 3: 5-6.


Other Publications

      2011                _____________________ [Sexuality and Disability Ð from an Anthropological Perspective]. Annual Report of the [University of Tokyo] Center for Barrier Free Education. Vol. 1: 93-109.

      2008               A Case Against Giving Informants Cameras and Coming Back Weeks Later. Knowledge Exchange. Anthropology News. Vol. 49, No. 2: 20. Washington, D.C. American Anthropological Association.

      2005           Severe Disabilities, Liberalism, and Social Welfare Policy in Japan and the United States. Anthropology News. Vol. 46, No. 9: 58. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.

      2002a              Eight photographs of rural Malaysia in ÒMeeting Malaysia.Ó Text by Jan Shaw-Flamm. Macalester Today (Summer): 22-29.

      2002b             "Deafness, Ethnicity, and Minority Politics in Modern Malaysia." Macalester International Volume 12 (Autumn): 193-202. St. Paul, MN: Macalester College.

      2002c              _________________ ___(_): 10-11_ __:_________ [America after September 11th. Quarterly Mimi No. 95 (Spring): 10-11. Tokyo: Japanese Federation of the Deaf.]

      2002d              Morals, Sexuality, and Fieldwork. Ethical Currents. Anthropology News. Vol. 43 (3 [March]): 24. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.

      2002e              Helpful or Harmful: How Innovative Communication Technology Affect Survivors of Intimate Violence. By Ann L. Kranz with Karen Nakamura. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse.   http://www.mincava.umn.edu/


Publications in Progress

      Forthcoming        Trans/Japan, Trans/Disability: Sexuality, Disability, and Eugenics. Manuscript in preparation.



Selected Awards

         2011        Society for East Asian Anthropology David Plath Media Award for A Japanese Funeral

         2011        University of British Columbia Ethnographic Film Festival Jury Prize (2nd Runner up) for A Japanese Funeral

         2010        Best Short Film Media Award from the Society for Visual Anthropology awarded for
A Japanese Funeral (Manic Films 2010).

         2008        John Whitney Hall Book Prize from the Association for Asian Studies awarded to
Deaf in Japan: Signing and the Politics of Identity (Cornell University Press 2006).

         2006        Journal article ÒResistance and Co-optationÓ selected as one of 100 Seminal Papers in the Oxford University Press Centenary of Publishing.

         2003        Tokyo University Institute of Social Science / Oxford University Award for Modern Japanese Studies.

         1993        Cornell University: Phi Beta Kappa & Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society



Selected Grants and Fellowships

         2011        Yale University Senior Faculty Fellowship.

         2011        Association for Asian Studies NEAC Short-Term Travel Fellowship. PI. $3000.

         2011        Waseda University / Yale University 125th Anniversary Asakawa Kanichi Fellowship. PI. JP´1,200,000 + USD $1200 + rent-free accommodation and use of research facilities for six months (Sept 1, 2011 to Feb 29, 2012).

         2007        Yale University Junior Faculty Fellowship.

         2004-05    Abe Fellow, Social Science Research Council and Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership. PI. $83,000.

         2004        East-West Center China-U.S.A. Asian Studies Development Program.

         2002-03    Macalester Faculty Research and Teaching Grants (College Co-Mentoring Fellowship; Freeman Fund China Travel Grant; Mellon Summer Research Fellowship; Bush Course Development Grant; International Seminar, Penang, Malaysia).

         1999-00    Yale University Council on East Asian Studies Prize Fellowship.

         1999        SSRC Japan Dissertation Workshop Fellowship.

         1997-9      Wenner-Gren Foundation Small Grant for Dissertation Research. PI. $18,000.



Exhibitions and Film Screenings

      Mar 10, 2015     Film Screening and Discussion with Filmmaker: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan. Disability Incarcerated symposium at University of California Berkeley.

      Mar 7, 2015       Film Screening: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan. Mental Health in Japan symposium at University of Pittsburgh.

      May 11, 2014     Film Screening and Discussion with Filmmaker: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan. Mad in America Film Festival.

      June 26, 2013    Film screening: A Japanese Funeral. International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) 2013. Macao SAR, P.R. China. 

      March 22, 2013  Film screening: A Japanese Funeral. Association for Asian Studies Film Expo at the AAS Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 

      April 30, 2011    Film screening: A Japanese Funeral. University of British Columbia Ethnographic Film Festival. 

      Nov 18, 2010    USA Premiere: A Japanese Funeral. Society for Visual Anthropology Film and Interactive Media Screenings at the American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

      Nov 14, 2010    International Premiere: A Japanese Funeral. Globians International Documentary Festival at Stuttgart, Germany.

      Feb 26, 2009     Film screening: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan. Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio).

      March 2, 2008    Japan Premiere: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan. Feminist Active Documentary Video Festival Renren. Tokyo, Japan.

      Sept 7, 2007      International Premiere: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan. Disabled PeopleÕs International World Assembly. Seoul, Korea.

     March 28, 2007   Film screening: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan (rough cut). Asia Art Week. University of South Carolina.

     Nov 11, 2006     Film screening: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan (rough cut). Conference on Representing Disability: Theory, Politics, Practice. Haverford College.

     Oct 11, 2006      Film screening: Bethel: Community and Schizophrenia in Northern Japan (rough cut). Margaret Mead Ethnographic Film Festival at Yale University, New Haven.

     Oct - Nov, 2006  Photography exhibition: Disability in Japan. Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University.



Conference Presentations and Lecture Series (Past 5 Years)

          March 28, 2015       Conference paper on Visualizing Transsexual Rights Movements in Japan. Panel on Revisualizing East Asian organized by Marc Moskowitz. Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

          Feb 12-14, 2015      Organizer, Keynote Respondent, Panel Chair. Yale LGBT Studies Conference on Queering Anthropology. Yale University.

          Dec 5, 2014            Discussant. Panel on ÒJapan at the Edge.Ó American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

          Dec 4, 2014            Roundtable Presenter.  Panel on ÒEthnographic Film Production and Distribution: Current Practices and Possibilities.Ó          Dec 5, 2014            Discussant. Panel on ÒJapan at the Edge.Ó American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

          April 3, 2014           Conference paper: Barrier Free Brothels and Call Girls for Crips. Conference on Composing Disability. George Washington University.

          March 28, 2014       Conference paper on Trans in Paradise: The Case of FTM Men in Okinawa. Panel on ÒParadiseÓ organized by Christine Yano. Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

          March 21, 2014       Conference paper on The Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology of GID: A Global Perspective. Japanese Association for Gender Identity Studies Annual Meeting, Okinawa, Japan.

          March 13, 2014       Conference paper on Ethical Dimensions in Ethnographic Mental Health Research: _Who is Protecting Who?  Conference on ÒNew Directions in Social Studies of Medicine, Science and EthicsÓ held in honor of Margaret Lock. Princeton University.

          Nov 24, 2013         Conference paper on Bent Nails Standing Proud. Conference on Japan and the Singularity. INALCO Paris, France.

          Nov 24, 2013         Conference paper on Trans/Japan, Trans/Disability. CoGEA Invited Panel. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago.

          Oct 31, 2013          Lecture on A Disability of the Soul. Mellon Lecture Series. University of Missouri at Saint Louis. Tarragona, Spain.

          June 13, 2013          Workshop on Negotiating Access and IRBs for the Society for Medical Anthropology / European Association for Social Anthropology Joint Conference. Tarragona, Spain.

          Apr 19, 2013          Conference paper. Biopsychosocial approaches to Psychiatric Disabilities. Panel on Injury, Illness, Chronic Pain and Disability Studies. Debilitating Queerness: The Sixth Annual DC Queer Studies Symposium hosted by the LGBT Studies Program at University of Maryland.

          Apr 5, 2013            Plenary paper. Trans/Japan, Trans/Disability. Cripistemologies conference hosted by the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality at New York University.

          Mar 18, 2013          Discussant. Panel title: Diva Nation: Female Icons from Japanese Cultural History. Organized by Laura Miller. Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting.

          Nov 20, 2011         Conference paper. Call Girls and Crips: Intersections of Disability and Sexuality In a Dark Japan. Panel on ÒCapturing Japan after the lost decade.Ó Reviewed by the Society for East Asian Anthropology. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada.

          Nov 17, 2011         Discussant. Panel title: The deadly legacies of neglect: deafness, disability, and HIV/AIDS discourses. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.

          March 15, 2010       Discussant. Panel title: A Discourse-Centered Approach to Japanese Culture. Japan Anthropology Workshop (JAWS). University of Texas at Austin.



Public and Guest Lectures and Presentations (Past 5 Years)

          Feb 17, 2015          Guest Speaker. Yale University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry Elective Course on ÒReligion, Spirituality and Worldview in PsychiatryÓ

          Dec 2, 2014            Roundtable Panelist. Critical Intersectionalities with(in) Disability, Sexuality, and Feminism. Georgetown University.

          Oct 28, 2014          Open Lecture: Studying Disability and Mental Illness at Yale. Working WomenÕs Network, Yale University.

          April 14, 2014         Open Lecture: Schizophrenia and a Life in Decline in Japan: An Anthropology of Mental Illness. Department of Anthropology, University of California Berkeley.

          Jan 22, 2014           Open Lecture: Schizophrenia and Community Life in Japan: The Bethel House Experience. Connecticut Mental Health Center.

          Oct 2, 2013            Open Lecture: Disability Studies in Japan. A Pechakucha Presentation. WGSS, Yale University.

          May 8, 2013            Open Lecture: Fieldwork Studies in Disability Studies. University of California at Los Angeles.

          May 11, 2012          Open Lecture: A Disability of the Soul: Japan, Schizophrenia, Psychotourism, and Bethel House. Asia Center. University of Utah.

          Mar 22, 2012          Open Lecture: Crooked Nails Standing Tall: Images and Stories of Disability and Mental Illness in Contemporary Japan. Museum of Anthropology, Wake Forest University.

          Jan 19, 2012           Open Lecture: ______________ _______________________________ Trans/Disability:  Disability, Queer Sexualities, and Transsexuality_from a Comparative Ethnographic Perspective. Barrier Free Education Center Lecture Series, University of Tokyo.

          Oct 21, 2011          Open Lecture: The Identity Politics of Disability. Department of Linguistics. International Christian University, Tokyo Japan. 

          April 12, 2010         Lecture: A Disability of the Soul: Community-based Mental Health Care in Japan. Yale Global Mental Health Program, Department of Psychiatry. Yale University. 

          Feb 8, 2010            Lecture: Call Girls for Crips: Intersections of disability and sexuality. Diversity Week. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences.




Higher Education 

2001        Ph.D. in Sociocultural Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Yale University.
Dissertation title: Deaf Identities, Sign Languages, and Minority Social Movement Politics in Modern Japan (1868-2000).  Advisor: Professor William Kelly.

         1998        M.Phil. in Sociocultural Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Yale University.

         1993        B.A. magna cum laude. Cornell University. Double major, College Scholar Program and Psychology with a concentration in Women's Studies. Distinction in all subjects.



Current and Previous Academic Positions

2016.1 ~                  Robert and Colleen Haas Distinguished Chair in Disability Studies and Professor of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley, CA.

2016.1.1 ~ 2016.6.30   Research Scholar Yale University, New Haven, CT.

2013.7 ~ 2015.12       Associate Professor of Anthropology and East Asian Studies with Tenure, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

2011.7 ~ 2013.6          Associate Professor of Anthropology and East Asian Studies on Term, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

2005.8 ~ 2011.6          Assistant Professor of Anthropology and East Asian Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

2001.8 ~ 2005.8          Assistant Professor of Anthropology. Macalester College, St. Paul MN.

2000.8 ~ 2001.7          Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies. Bowdoin College, Brunswick Maine.



Volunteer and Service Positions

          2016-2018                  Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies (DiGeSt)

          2015-2018                  Member, Editorial Board, Amerasia Journal.

          2014-2015                  Chair, LGBT Studies Committee, Yale University.

          2014-15, 15-16            Member, AAUW International Fellowship Selection Panel (Social-Sciences).

          2013-2015                  Chair, Association Operations Committee, American Anthropological Association.

          2012-2015                  Executive Board member, American Anthropological Association (Elected Section Assembly Representative).

          2013-2016                  Member, Northeast Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies.

           2015-2016                 Chair, Northeast Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies.

            2014-2015                 Vice-Chair, Northeast Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies.

          2013-15, 2009-11        Board member, Society for Visual Anthropology, American Anthropological Association.

          2014                         Panelist, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan Review Board.

          2013-2014                  Jury Member, SVA Film Festival.

          2012                         SVA Film Festival Czarista, Society for Visual Anthropology Film and Media Festival.

          2011                         SVA Film Festival Czarista and Co-Coordinator, Society for Visual Anthropology Film and Media Festival.

          2010~                       Member, WomenÕs, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Council, Yale University.

          2009-2011                  Member, Yale University Human Subjects Committee.

          2008~                       Member, LGBT Studies Committee, Yale University.

          2008-2012                  Editorial Board, American Anthropologist, American Anthropological Association.

          2008-2010                  Co-Chair, SOLGA: The Society for Lesbian and Gay Anthropology, American Anthropological Association.

          2008-2009                  Member, Yale College Course of Study Committee.           

          2008-2009                  Academic Mentor, Yale Mellon-Bouchet Undergraduate Fellowship Program.

          2005-2008                  Elected member, Committee on Minority Affairs in Anthropology, American Anthropological Association.

          2004-2005                  Nominated Member, American Anthropological Association SOLGA /

          2002-2005                  Elected member (Minority Seat), Long-Range Planning Committee, American Anthropological Association.

          2002-2004                  Academic Mentor. Mellon Minority Undergraduate Fellowship Program. Macalester College.

          2002-2004                  Nominated member, American Anthropological Association SOLGA Payne Student Research Prize Committee.

          2000-2005                SOLGA Liaison (AAA Board nominated position), Committee on Ethics, American Anthropological Association.                

          1993-1994                  Board of Directors; Educational Representative; Board Secretary; Executive Committee Member; Co-chair , Recruitment Committee. Board of Directors. Ithaca Rape Crisis, Inc. Ithaca NY. Also, Educator 1991-1994.


Engineering and Systems Development Background

1996 Ð cont.    President, Global Mapping Systems. Lead developer of GPSy.
GPS/GIS Macintosh mapping and navigation systems development.

Shipping products: GPSy for MacOS, GPS portion of DeLorme StreetAtlas 4 for


1993 Ð 1996    Macintosh systems and network developer, Yale University. Responsible for development of Macintosh PPP/ARA end-user solutions.
Shipping Products: Network Starter Kit, misc. CGI scripts. for network access

1993Ð1994      Network Administrator / Computer Systems Development, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Cornell University. Internal Use Only: AV Materials Library and Invoicing Control System (4th Dimension).

1991Ð1993      NeXTSTEP Developer, Focal Point Computer, Inc., Tokyo Japan. Developed a comprehensive suite of SCSI hard drive utilities and driver software for the Sony Vbox (computer video controller).
Shipping Products: SCSI Suite; SCSI SpeedGun; SCSI Formatter. Internal Release Only: Sony V-BOX controller.

1992Ð1993      Co-publisher and Technical Editor, NeXTWATCH, then the largest commercial newsletter for the NeXTSTEP system.

1990Ð1991      External Consultant / Developer, Canon Information Systems, Palo Alto, USA. Developed the Canon IX-Scans software package, the kernel for the Canon Still Video Floppy drive system, and the driver software for the Canon Magneto Optical SCSI system.
Shipping Product: IX-SCANS. Internal Release Only SVVideo Controller; MO-Controller.

1989Ð1993      Freelance NeXTSTEP systems developer. Shipping Product: Casssandra.

1989              Senior Consultant and Programmer, Focal Point Computer Inc., Tokyo Japan. Worked closely with large corporations to assist in networking and optimizing their shared computing environments. Clients included the Tokyo offices of Dentsu Burson Marsteller, Peat Marwick, and Merrill Lynch.


Doctoral Dissertations Supervised

         H. Sheikholeslami           6th year (ABD), Sociocultural Anthropology, Yale U.

              ÒPublishers, Translators, and the Circulation of Western Texts in IranÓ

                        ¥ NSF Doctoral Dissertation Grant #1226303 awarded.

                        ¥ SSRC IDRF Fellowship awarded.

         Elizabeth Miles              5th year (ABD), Sociocultural Anthropology, Yale U.

              ÒHeterosexual Masculinity in Postmainstream JapanÓ

                        ¥ Fulbright IIE Dissertation Grant awarded.


Doctoral Dissertations Committees Served or Dissertations Examined

         Laura Harrison (UC Santa Cruz; Sociology; entering class of 2012). Dissertation committee member.

         Thomas Martyn Stanley Baudinette (Monash University, Japanese Studies, expected Dec 2015) Ð ÒThe construction of desire: young gay men and media in Japan.Ó Chairs: Prof Carolyn Stevens and Dr Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou. External examiner.

         Sarah LeBaron von Baeyer (Yale University, Sociocultural Anthropology 2015) Ð ÒNational Worlds, Transnational Lives: Nikkei-Brazilian Migrants in and of Japan and Brazil.Ó Chair: William Kelly. Dissertation committee member.

         Isaac Gagne (Yale Sociocultural Anthropology 2013) Ð ÒPrivate Religion and Public Morality: Understanding Cultural Secularism in Late Capitalist Japan.Ó Chair: William Kelly.

         Ryan Sayre (Yale Sociocultural Anthropology 2012) Ð ÒPreparing for Preparedness: Security, Disaster and ÔRecursive ModernityÕ in Contemporary Japan.Ó Chair: William Kelly.

         Anne Watzka Aronsson (Yale Sociocultural Anthropology 2012) Ð ÒCareer Women in Contemporary Japan: Pursuing Identities, Fashioning Lives.Ó Chair: William Kelly.

         Ellen Rubinstein (Yale Sociocultural Anthropology 2012) Ð ÒDiagnosing Deviance: Schizophrenia and Social Withdrawal in Contemporary Japan.Ó Chair: William Kelly.

         Nathaniel Smith (Yale Sociocultural Anthropology 2011) Ð ÒRight Wing Activism in Japan and the Politics of Futility.Ó Chair: William Kelly.

         Elizabeth Busbee (Yale Sociocultural Anthropology 2008) Ð ÒPower Exchange: Interaction and Identity in a BDSM Community.Ó Chair: Harold Scheffler.


Post-Doctoral and Visiting Assistants in Research Students Supervised

         Magdalena Szarota (University of Lancaster and Polish Academy of Sciences). Visiting Assistant in Research funded by Kosciuszko Foundation to do research on American disability movements.  Jan 10 Ð May 31, 2015.

         Mana Kawanishi (Doshisha University). Visiting Assistant in Research funded by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Student Exchange Support Program) Scholarship to do research on American gender and sexuality. Aug 15, 2012 Ð May 31, 2013.



Professional Memberships

         American Anthropological Association (Life Member; Executive Board Member)

                        Society for East Asian Anthropology

                        Society for Medical Anthropology          

                        Society for Linguistic Anthropology (Life Member)

                        Association for Queer Anthropology (Past Co-Chair)

                        Society for Visual Anthropology (Board Member)

         Association for Asian Studies (member)

                        North East Asia Council (Chair)


